009 -Jenny Aniver
A Jenny Haniver is the carcass of a ray or a skate which has been modified and subsequently dried, resulting in a grotesque preserved specimen.One suggestion for the origin of the term was the French phrase 'jeune d'Anvers' ('young [person] of Antwerp'). British sailors 'cockneyed' this description into the personal name 'Jenny Hanvers'. They are also widely known as 'Jenny Haviers'
©: Robert Schilder 2015, pho, taken in Muz, Sche, ningen (NL)
tags: #Jenny Haniver #Muzee #Scheveningen
see also the reverse side of this page for Monkfish / Sea Monk / Sea Bishop here: 152
009a -Skate / Ray
photographed in Visserij Museum, Breskens, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (NL)©: Robert Schilder 2013
, , tags: #skate #ray #jenny haniver
De ontploffing voor Antwerpen van kanonneerboot nr 2 onder commando van Jan van Speijk, 5 februari 1831 (Martinus_Schouman, 1832)
'the Whale', F. DELRUE, Museum MAS, Antwerp
In the 16th and 17th centuries, many parades and processions passed through the streets of Antwerp.